Adult Mannequin Head Pattern
Adult head mannequin pattern could be used for your accessories on. You can use this mannequin head for headband displays, glasses, scarves, hats, or wig stands. With this pdf sewing pattern, you could make a head mannequin at an affordable price instead of buying the head mannequin product. It's easy to make, beginner-friendly, and I'm sure everyone can make it.
The pattern is drafted for light- to medium-weight woven fabrics. I recommend using cotton, canvas, muslin, rayon, crepe, and sateen silk.
Purchase Includes: Instruction Pamphlet, A4 and US Letter-Size Home Print
The pamphlet contains (written in English only):
• List of Materials to Use
• Size Chart and Measurements
• Step-by-step tutorial instructions with illustrations
Skill level: Beginner
A seam allowance is included in the pattern.
Klik here for video's tutorial
Video Tutorial
This is a digital product, and no physical item will be delivered to you. It is available for download after purchasing, and no physical copy will be shipped to you. You cannot resell this pattern, but you are allowed to use it for your production.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions :)
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